Natya Sankalpaa
Natya Sankalpaa was started on April 21st 1996. The formal inauguration of the Trust was held the following year at the Narada Gana Sabha. The guests of honor were Smt. M.S.Subbalakshmi and Smt Padma Subramanyam.
Natya Sankalpaa over the years, has continued to make steady progress. Several arangetrams and group presentations have been conducted. Students have presented programs within the country and abroad. Theory of Dance, Carnatic Music and Yoga are part of the curriculum. Examinations are held periodically to evaluate both the theoretical and practical knowledge of the student. The focus is on creating a complete artist.Strong emphasis is laid on imparting cultural values. Students are encouraged to participate in group events held by the institution. Senior students who have completed their arangetram are now part of the main stream Bharatanatyam circuit.
Arangetrams are conducted every year by the institution with 162 arangetrams completed till date. The institute has come to be recognised for its quality and holistic approach. Within a short time of its inception the centre has been recognised as one of excellence for its training and methodology.
The institution celebrated its 10th anniversary in the presence of Smt. K. J. Sarasa and Smt. Leela Samson. The 20th anniversary showcased two presentation ‘Bhavayami Raghuramam and “Meera, ‘The Lotus of Prem’ .The 100th arangetram of the institution was held on 25th June 2016.The event included an item by all the 100 dancers who completed their Arangetram.
In order to whole heartedly support artists during the challenging times of the pandemic a 3 day event Arpanam (Oct 2021) was conducted by the institution. This showcased leading dancers from Chennai and Bangalore.